What Is CSS?

Cascading Style Sheets, abbreviated as CSS, is a language that describes how HTML elements should be displayed on a screen or paper. CSS was created by World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) in 1996. HTML elements were not designed to have tags that could help format a web page, and developers were only required to write a markup for the page. The introduction of tags such as when HTML 3.2 was launched introduced new problems for developers.  As web pages have colored backgrounds, different fonts, and multiple styles, rewriting code became expensive and painful. W3C schools introduced CSS to solve these challenges, and it has continued to evolve over the years.  

Why CSS?

#1. CSS is Efficient

CSS saves us from the pain of adding tags like font, element alignments, border, color, background style, and size on every web page. 

#2. Save Time

You can easily change the entire website’s appearance by altering the external CSS file. 

#3. Multiple Device Compatibility

Modern web users access sites on gadgets with varying screen sizes, such as PCs, tablets, and smartphones. CSS makes it easy to create web pages responsive to screen sizes. 

#4. Easy to Maintain Applications

Modern web applications are always evolving. CSS makes it easy to change single components or even the entire website without altering the codebase. 

How Is CSS Used With HTML to Create Websites?

HTML is a standard markup language used for web page creation. On the other hand, CSS describes how web pages (created using HTML) are displayed. A web page created using HTML, and CSS will ideally have an HTML file of text, image links, and HTML tags.  This HTML file can have either a separate CSS file linked to it using a link tag or employ internal or inline CSS styles. An HTML file can have a heading such as

and a paragraph denoted by

. You can use CSS to instruct the browser to display all the content in the paragraph in bold or even make the header content 50 pixels and green in color.  We will demonstrate how HTML and CSS work in the next section. 

Types of CSS

#1. External CSS

For CSS to be classified as external, there should be an HTML file and a separate CSS file with a .css extension. For example, style.css. The CSS file is linked with the HTML file/document using a link tag.  Example of an external CSS file: The CSS file can be linked with the following HTML document: The link tag links the external style sheet with the HTML document, while the href attribute specifies the external style sheet’s location.  The final web page will appear as follows: External CSS is the most-recommended approach as it makes it easy to create reusable components and make universal changes to the codebase. 

#2. Internal CSS

Internal CSS is ideal when you have a single HTML document you want to style uniquely. The style rule set is written on the HTML document within the head section.  This is an example of internal CSS: The rendered web page will appear as follows: Internal CSS is not ideal in most cases as it makes the code in an HTML document so large, affecting the loading speed. 

#3. Inline CSS

Inline CSS contains the CSS style within the body. For instance, you can style a paragraph, a heading, or even a div using inline CSS.  The rendered document will appear as follows: Inline CSS is not ideal if you want to scale your web application, as adding a CSS property to every HTML tag takes time.  Explore some of the best online courses and books to master CSS.

Build Responsive Websites With HTML and CSS

This build responsive real-world websites course teaches how to build responsive websites using HTML5 and CSS3. You don’t need any prior knowledge in web development to learn this course that explores concepts such as the box model, solving selector conflicts, positioning schemes, and inheritance. It is also the ideal course if you want to learn how to brainstorm, plan, sketch, code, test, and optimize a professional website. 

Advanced CSS and Sass

Advanced CSS and Sass course introduce you to how CSS works behind the scenes by exploring topics like the cascade, specificity, and inheritance. The course has many modern CSS techniques for creating powerful, responsive web pages. The course introduces Saas and how to use it in projects while architecting CSS, global variables, and managing media queries. It is also the ideal course if you want to learn CSS animation, as it touches on @keyframes, animation, and transition. 

Learn CSS

Learn CSS by Codecademy teaches how to use CSS to transform HTML into eye-catching websites visually. The course is split into 8 lessons and has 6 projects to test your understanding. The major things you will learn from this course are how to add styling to HTML elements, connect HTML and CSS files, and create unique layouts for web pages. 

Build Your First Web Page With HTML and CSS

The build your first web page course teaches how to use HTML5 and CSS3 to create responsive websites. This free course is presented in 4 modules and requires about 10 hours to complete. You don’t need any prior knowledge of programming to learn this course. 

CSS Basics

CSS Basics is created by W3Cx. Some of the things you will learn in this course are; best practices in web design, fundamental CSS selectors, and how to select CSS properties. The course is split into 5 modules; you need about 5 weeks to complete it when studying 5-7 hours per week.

Introduction to CSS3

This course on CSS3 introduces Cascading Style Sheets. The course is prepared by the University of Michigan and teaches how to write CSS rules, establish good programming habits, and test code. You need about 12 hours to complete this course which comes with a shareable certificate on completion. 

Intro to HTML and CSS

This intro course on HTML and CSS teaches how to create styled and well-structured websites using HTML and CSS. The course teaches learners how to create websites using a tree-like structure and then style them using CSS. This free course is suitable for beginners and uses a self-paced learning model. You need about 3 weeks to complete this course that industry experts teach. 

CSS Tutorial 

CSS Tutorial is a free course on W3schools. The course is split into chapters for easy understanding. Each chapter gives examples and exercises. The platform has an online where you can experiment with different concepts through the “Try it Yourself” button. 

CSS: The Definitive Guide

The CSS: The Definitive Guide book is helpful if you want to learn the basics of CSS, from Selectors, and specificity, to the cascade. The book also flexbox, positioning, and float tricks in detail. It is also the book to order if you want to learn how to use CSS to produce 2D and 3D transforms, transitions, and animation. The Definitive Guide is available in both Kindle and paperback versions. 

Responsive Web Design with HTML5 and CSS

This book on Responsive Web Design with HTML5 and CSS teaches how to create future-proof responsive websites using HTML5 and CSS. After learning the tricks from this book, the websites you create will run flawlessly on desktops, tablets, and mobile phones. The book is written in an easy-to-follow format and is available in paperback and Kindle formats. 

HTML and CSS: Design and Build Websites

This book on HTML and CSS is ideal for all, whether you are a hobbyist, student, or professional. The writer delivers the content of this book through information graphics and lifestyle photography to make it easy to grasp various concepts. The resource is presented in a unique structure, making it easy to browse through all the chapters. 

Modern CSS

This book on Modern CSS: Master the Key Concepts of CSS for Modern Web Development teaches CSS through code examples, diagrams, and screenshots. The book introduces colors, selectors, box models, combinators, and specificity in its first chapters. The book then introduces styling text, positioning, gradients, borders, Z-index, and stacking contexts. You also learn advanced topics like transitions, animations, transforms, flexbox, and CSS grids. 

Final Words

The role of CSS in modern websites cannot be stressed enough. On top of making web pages visually appealing, CSS makes it easy to navigate various web pages. Learning CSS can be easy if you use the resources listed above. Some of these courses are free, while others are paid.  Next, you can check out CSS cheat sheets for developers and designers.

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