Twitter is flooding with leads and prospects. All you need is to collect related data and approach the accounts that need your products or services. But how can you do that? There is a simple answer! Use the Advanced search on Twitter. Many digital marketing teams are not using this feature regularly. Hence, it is an opportunity for you to get high-quality leads without paying any third-party agencies. Continue reading this article to become a master of Twitter Advanced search.      

What Is Advanced Search on Twitter?

Most social media platforms come with a search tool. This tool can find posts, comments, media, etc., related to your business. Twitter is no different than others, and it has this Search Twitter tool in the top right corner of the Twitter website. If you are using the Twitter mobile app, then it is the magnifying glass icon on the bottom of the screen. However, the Twitter search tool discovers huge data because it allows for few filters. To help digital marketers, Twitter introduced the Advanced search feature. In Advanced search on Twitter, you can apply various search operators to refine your search results. Hence, you can get actionable data without analyzing them in an Excel spreadsheet. Smart digital marketers use this tool to get organic search data that they would otherwise have to buy from third-party agencies.      

How to Access the Advanced Search Feature of Twitter?

The Advanced search feature of Twitter stays hidden from the common user. It would help if you had an inquisitive mind to access this. Find below the common ways to access the feature for marketing needs: 

Advanced Search Twitter on PC Web Browser

Go to your Twitter Home page.In the Search Twitter box, type in any keyword, account, content, etc., and hit Enter.

You now see the normal Search tool of Twitter.It gives you options like Top, Latest, People, Photos, and Videos.It also has a Search filters tool in the right-side navigation pane.The Search filters tool only shows two options: People and Location.

You get the Advanced search link just below the Location filter.Click on that link to open the Twitter Advanced search console for your current search item.Alternatively, you can click on the ellipsis icon beside the search bar to access Advanced search.    

Twitter Advanced Search Mobile

This feature is not readily available on the Twitter mobile app. You need to open Twitter’s website version to access it. Here is how: 

Run the Settings app. Now, locate Apps & notifications and access them.You should see Advanced at the bottom of Apps & notifications. Tap on that.Now, touch Default apps.Tap on Opening links.

Turn off the Instant apps option for opening links on apps.Now, open Google Chrome on your phone.Search for Twitter and log in to your account.

Click on the magnifying glass icon.Type a keyword in the Search tool and click on the ellipses icon to find Advanced search on Twitter mobile. 

The Major Benefits of Advanced Search on Twitter

#1. Filtering Tweets

You can filter Tweets in many ways and save time on further data modification using a spreadsheet app when you use the Advanced Search feature. The tool allows granular filtering of tweets using filters like Words, Accounts, Replies, Links, Dates, and Engagement. 

This Twitter feature is suitable for automating your search efforts. You can devise a search strategy once and perform searches for years without starting everything from scratch. The Save search feature makes it possible.  

#3. Research User Engagement

Twitter’s Advanced Search is the perfect tool to discover user engagement of your business and your competitors for free. The Engagement feature lets you filter tweets with minimum replies, minimum retweets, and minimum likes.  Once you create a search template for user engagement, you can apply the same to your competitors. Thus, you can understand the engagement tactics of competitors. Then, use those if you are not doing well.  

#4. Finding Users or Profiles Based on Filters

Twitter can become one of the largest marketplaces for your products or services. All you need to do is use Advanced search and reach the right profile or users looking for what you sell. You must follow aggressive user engagement on Twitter to garb the leads and convert them to sales.  

#5. Notifications

Twitter Advanced search can also help you with automatic notifications directly in your email or business chat app like Slack. Moreover, you can also get SMSs to your mobile when a new tweet, media, comment, etc., appears according to your Saved search. However, you will need to know integrations like Zapier to make this work.  

#6. Searches Based on Date

It also helps you in finding out whether your marketing strategy is up to date or out of date. You can perform date-based searches on Twitter and find if your tweets are getting good engagements or not. You can apply this strategy to your competitors too. Ultimately you get the valued insight to optimize your marketing strategy.   

#7. Find Customers/Leads Using Keywords

Keywords-based sales and marketing strategy is highly popular. You can apply that on Twitter too. Twitter hashtags are perfect for keyword-based searches.  When you find suitable profiles, connect with them via tweets, replies, comments, and direct messaging to convert them to regular customers.   

#8. Understand Your Target Audience

You do not need to pay hefty subscription fees to third-party survey agencies to collect brand, product, or service feedback from real users. Also, you do not need to run complicated form-based surveys that may not result in adequate data. Just utilize the Advanced search feature of Twitter to collect data on likes, dislikes, comments, feature requests, etc. You save a lot of money, time, and resources this way. 

#9. Discover Twitter Influencers

Using the Advanced search feature, you can connect with the right influencers to promote your products on Twitter. If you are a startup or small business, you can connect with rising influencers who can promote your brand for free or in exchange for services or a small fee. On the flip side, if you are a big business willing to create a budget for influencer marketing, you can connect with celebrity influencers. Finding an affordable or premium influencer is easy since you can look up specific profiles based on engagement using the Advanced search filter system on Twitter.   

#10. Advance Customer Service

Advance search also helps you find the right kinds of grievances, feature requests, order management, etc., queries. Then, your customer support team can engage with the customer directly to control further media damage, contain the grievance, and provide a resolution. 

#11. Find Media Exposure Opportunities

A third-party branding and marketing agency can charge you thousands of dollars to connect you with a PR agency, reporter, or journalist. You can avoid that expense by looking for a competent media partner on Twitter. Just look for the right keywords on Twitter Advanced search. 

How to Use Advanced Search on Twitter to Boost Traffic?

#1. Find Competitor Mentions

Use the advanced Twitter search option to find dissatisfied users for your competitors. You can type the competitor name in the Accounts field and dissatisfaction phrases in the Words field.  Once you get results, engage directly with the Twitter handles that you get. Share website links with them so that they can visit. 

Perform a hashtag search on Twitter. Create content related to popular hashtags and then share the content with profiles that uses the related hashtags. This should increase user footfall on your website. 

You can boost online or in-person traffic to your assets by performing location-based searches on Twitter.  If you have a cafe in Times Square, New York, use this location to find tweets interested in food, drinks, caterers, etc. Then, DM the profiles or share website links to increase customers.

You can generate millions of dollars worth of sales revenue by engaging with customers preparing for holiday shopping, and performing event or date-based searches on the Advanced search console.      

Who Can Benefit From Twitter Advanced Search and Why? 

Anyone who is into marketing can benefit from Advanced search on Twitter. For example, if you are any one of the followings, then you must use this feature: 

Freelance blogger, developer, website designer, etc.Small and medium businessStartupSmall family business with a local customer base focusLarge and enterprise-level businesses looking for competitor insightsDigital marketing agenciesOnline and offline news media, publishers, content creators, etc.Online researchersSurvey agenciesAdvanced technology businesses that work with artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML)

You need to get creative to use the Twitter Advanced search in your favor. The above is a list of the most obvious cases. There could be endless possibilities.  The most popular question is, “why is Advanced search beneficial?” Find the answers below: 

Understand Competitor’s Strategies

Twitter is one of the best places to research your competitions. The Advanced search feature easily finds key competitor insights like influencers, customer engagement, customer service strategy, marketing strategy, and more.  Hence, you can follow that path or connect with the professionals who help your competitors to benefit your business.  

Connect With the Local Customers

Small home-based businesses, shops, restaurants, etc., can easily connect with leads through keywords and location-based searches on Twitter Advanced search. Instead of waiting for walk-in customers, you can get online orders by connecting with customers on Twitter.  

Research Suppliers, Vendors, and Contractors

One significant challenge for business analysts is finding the right supplier with the best deals. You can address such issues by performing an Advanced search and then connecting with the prospective vendors through direct messages.  

Know Who Is Influencing the Industry

Let us consider you are into the search engine optimization (SEO) business. You want to know who are the top local opponents that are holding you back from revenue growth.  You can easily do that on an advanced Twitter search tool by looking at the engagement level of certain SEO agencies in your locality. Therefore, you know who they are, and now you can plan how to conquer the market.   

Know User Sentiment

It helps you to collect honest feedback about an industry, product, or service. Accordingly, you can improve or adjust your cost so that your customer base stays happy and come back as a return sales. 

Build Sustainable Business Relationships

Advanced Twitter search enables you to chat directly with the prospect or leads and minimize communication gaps. 

How to Use Advanced Search on Twitter?

Using the Advanced search feature is a cakewalk. You only need to use the operators carefully to reach the right target. Here is how: 

Use Words operators like, ‘All of these words‘, ‘This exact phrase‘, ‘These hashtags’, etc., to locate content with pinpoint precision. Select the target language if you are researching foreign topics or trends.Use the Accounts filter to trickle down to specific accounts using search operators like, ‘Tweets from these accounts‘, ‘Tweets to these accounts‘, ‘Tweets mentioning these accounts’, etc.Do not forget to utilize date-based searches like, ‘From‘ and ‘To‘ dates.Find content, brand, product, or service engagement by searching for tweets with certain figures, like ‘minimum replies‘, ‘minimum likes‘, ‘minimum retweets‘, etc.

We used an advanced search string Search for “tesla “electric vehicles” min_replies:1000 min_faves:1000 min_retweets:1003 lang:en” to fetch the following result: 

Final Words

Advanced search on Twitter is a powerful marketing tool if you know how to use it in real-life business cases. So far, the article should have clearly explained this Twitter tool in detail via definition, benefits, usage tactics, and more. Now, you have the knowledge to apply Twitter Advanced search whenever you need important data from Twitter for the marketing team. You can also make it a freelancing gig to run a passive income source. Twitter Advanced search is just more power to you by this leading and global microblogging site.  You may also be interested in these business data dashboard tools for social media analytics. 

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