Drag and drop is the signature of most present public-facing technology. You have such over-simplified tools for everything we do on the internet. One of the most niche things to do before the 90s, building a website, has followed a similar suit. Thanks to user-friendly content management systems (CMS), you don’t need web developers for an online presence. Most of the credit goes to WordPress, originally built just for blogging. However, now you have just about all types of websites using this CMS, including eCommerce, membership, news, etc. And while a good chunk starts with the budget-friendly ‘shared hosting’, some incoming traffic helps you quickly realize the mistake. The loading times start to rise, resulting in vanishing visitors. That’s the point where you typically start blaming the web hosting. Subsequently, it starts the search for a different hosting package; and, probably, a new WordPress-specialized host.


Interserver has many web hosting solutions, but the one we are featuring here is its VPS, tailored for resource-heavy WordPress websites. VPS (Virtual Private Server) is known to be a significant upgrade over shared hosting. This offers dedicated resources, which paves the way for a blazing-fast website. However, there are all kinds of VPS hosting, and it isn’t wise to opt for anyone where you have no idea what that exactly means. Especially a self-managed, bare-metal server should be a big no-no if you aren’t familiar with the hidden nuances of web hosting or have a developer to crack the tough nut for you. However, Interserver WordPress VPS brings you power and simplicity in one single subscription.


High-performance SSD storage 99.9% uptime guarantee Scalable resources Full-root access Free migrations Dedicated IP Powerful cache Flexible subscriptions WordPress-optimized Economic pricing

While there is always a list of ‘features’ associated with every hosting package, let’s discuss what’s special with Interserver.


This is one of the good things about Interserver. They are transparent about their data center locations and their specifications. You can check the data center’s locations, infrastructure security, power and network configurations, etc., for added peace of mind. Besides, all Interserver facilities have 100% power and 99.9% network uptime guarantees. Finally, there are robust physical security protocols for every data center, and an average business person has nothing to worry about.

Free Migration

Many have substandard experiences with their current hosts but switching to a different service provider seems too complex. Addressing this pain point, Interserver helps you migrate to them with little or no downtime. Additionally, this excellent migrations service works 24/7, so you can switch to Interserver anytime you wish.

Root Access

Many hosting providers have this list of banned plugins one can’t install on their WordPress projects. And though there are substitutes everywhere, you don’t have to search for them with Interserver. Their WordPress VPS subscriptions are granted root access, offering the freedom to configure your projects to specific use cases for an optimal experience. This is about the liberty to install whatever software you see fit without any host-imposed restrictions.

Powerful Cache

Cache helps the server overdeliver than its actual capacity. It enables you to serve content faster on revisits reducing the server load. But Interserver goes one step further by offering custom configuration tailored to deliver a fast-loading WordPress website. In addition, tech-savvy business owners will be glad to know their WordPress VPS is preconfigured with OPcache PHP accelerator to offer next-level caching and performance.

Control Panel

Managing virtual servers doesn’t have to be complicated. Interserver’s in-house control panel makes it easy to manage the resources and put things to work with a few clicks. It helps you scale resources (RAM and Storage) right from its dashboard without needing any back-and-forth with the support. Notably, this works both ways, so one won’t get locked in a bumped-up configuration and can effortlessly scale down. Additionally, it also presents options to manage DNS, domains, mail, billing, support tickets, etc., all from a single dashboard. While VPS isn’t recommended for absolute beginners, the Interserver control panel takes out the guesswork and will be intuitive to work with, even for first-timers.


While everyone wants the power and flexibility that comes with VPS, the cost often hinders the ambitious upgrade.

$6 per month is all you need to get started with your own WordPress VPS. Interestingly, this also packs unlimited support 24/7 to weed out any technical issues. Moreover, the pricing is monthly, without any long-term commitments. So, you can cancel anytime and switch to a different provider for any specific reason. In addition, there is a 30-day money-back guarantee for added peace of mind. Personally, I can’t think of a WordPress-optimized VPS below this price point and recommend trying it out for a firsthand experience.


While Interserver is good at what it does, we have a few alternatives for a slightly big budget.


This starts from $10 a month and has a truckload of features, making it a favorite among many eyeing superior performance and decent support. In a nutshell, Cloudways is a cloud control panel with an extremely user-friendly interface you use to manage your VPS with ease. Notably, Cloudways is a middleman, a very efficient one, without having a hosting infrastructure of its own. You can try it today with its no-credit card 3-day trial.


Nestify brings its control panel to offer managed WordPress hosting, however, exclusively on AWS. The plans start at $12 a month and offer a dedicated CPU, which wasn’t the case with Cloudways and Interserver. To make it clear, most VPS offer dedicated RAM and storage, but the CPU is often shared with other users. This is okay for bursty applications with inconsistent traffic, but this may be a deal-breaker for websites sustaining constant high traffic. Consequently, this makes Nestify a lucrative option at this price tag. Finally, you can check the performance and everything with its 7-day free trial.

Power of WordPress!

Undoubtedly, WordPress has brought web hosting to the masses. It’s simple yet flexible and is currently the backbone of most websites. However, it’s a little bit resource hungry and asks for potent hosting resources for a satisfying user experience. Virtual private servers fill this gap quite well, and Interserver pricing makes them undeniably lucrative for most of us. Still, Interserver is much more than just a WordPress-optimized VPS. They have many plans covering many use cases one should check out. And should you want a choice, try Cloudways or Nestify. PS: Cybersecurity concerns all web projects, and WordPress is no different. In fact, it gets attacked more frequently than other content management systems, with the primary target being the plugins. So, if you feel the urge to protect your WordPress project, here are some premium security plugins to take note of.

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